"Russia Is Blackmailing Us": Ambassador's Interview on NATO's Plans for Ukraine and Russia

, 24 December 2021, 12:20

European Pravda Editor Sergiy Sydorenko spoke with Ukraine's Ambassador to NATO Natalia Galibarenko.

The interview covered Russian threat, Ukraine's chances in relations with NATO in 2022 and Alliance-related expectations, you can either read it or view video-version

Some of Ambassador's points are below:

Natalia Galibarenko points out that Allies initially rated the threat of a Russian attack on Ukraine as very high, but this have changed. Blackmail is the key of the assessment of Putin's actions.

According to Galibarenko, the Russia-written draft agreement with NATO, is not taken seriously by the Alliance. "The Alliance will not provide any guarantees Russia seeks for. There can be no revision of the decision of the Bucharest Summit (in the part where it is says that Ukraine and Georgia will become members of NATO). And the third point is that a third party has no say in the Alliance's enlargement process. Ukraine's membership in NATO depends only on 30 member countries and on Ukraine."

Meanwhile, there is no clarity on 2022: "Currently, there is no unity on providing Ukraine with a clear plan (for accession - EP)"

Ambassador do recognize that with no official say on it, Russia's actions still matter for Ukraine membership perspective: "For many countries, there is a danger that providing Ukraine with a MAP, the Alliance will put itself on the brink of an armed conflict with Russia"

Read full text of the interview here: "The Alliance is afraid of armed conflict with Russia over Ukraine".