U.S. Hopes That G20 Foreign Ministers Will Condemn Russia's War in Ukraine

, 1 March 2023, 19:15

The U.S. has expressed confidence that G20 foreign ministers will condemn the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia, a G20 member, during the meeting in India, which begins Wednesday evening.

"I think we will expect to see language in there reflecting the majority, if not overwhelming majority, of the G20 continuing to stand against Russia's war," AFP quotes a senior official accompanying U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The G20 includes the countries of the G7, as well as Russia, China, India, Brazil, Australia and Saudi Arabia, among others. The main meetings of the G20 foreign ministers will take place on Thursday after a welcome dinner on Wednesday.

The EU delegation stated it would not support a statement at the meeting of the foreign ministers of the Group of Twenty in India if it did not include condemnation of Russia's war against Ukraine.

India, as the host country, said the war in Ukraine would be an important topic of discussion, but "issues related to food, energy and fertiliser security, and the impact of the conflict on the economic challenges we face" would also receive "due consideration".

The meeting of foreign ministers comes days after a meeting of G20 finance ministers in Bengaluru failed to reach a joint communique as Russia and China did not agree with the wording regarding the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine that was acceptable for others.