Record High 82% Of Ukrainians Support Ukraine's NATO Membership, 85% Support Joining EU

, 22 March 2023, 17:55

Support for Ukraine's EU and NATO accession among Ukrainians has increased to a record high 82% and 85%, respectively.

According to the all-Ukrainian survey of the International Republican Institute (IRI), Ukrainians show record high support for Ukraine's NATO membership - 82%. The number has gone 10% up since the last survey in June 2022 and 23% up since the April 2022 results.

Joining NATO is most supported in the West (87%) and the Center (85%). The lowest support is in the East - 72%. 80% in the South support thhis idea.

The highest support for Ukraine's NATO accession is among people over 51, reaching 86%. The 18-35 age group supports the least - 78%.

Joining the EU is supported by 85% of respondents compared to 80% in June and April 2022.

Joining the EU is most supported in the West - 89%. In the East, support is 80%.

The majority in favour of joining the EU are in the 18-35 and 51+ age groups.

As reported, two-thirds of Europeans support Ukraine (Ukr) joining the European Union in the coming years.