Exclusion of Russia from Un Not Possible without Its Defeat – Polish Diplomat

, 21 June 2023, 12:09

Without a military defeat of Russia, its exclusion from the international community, including the UN, will be impossible.

Krzysztof Szczerski, Poland's Ambassador to the UN, said on the air of internet radio RMF24 that the same thing happened with Nazi Germany – only the defeat in World War II led to political consequences for the country. Quote: "If it comes to the point that Russia loses this war, we will have a completely new situation – the tables are turned, the world must be rearranged," the diplomat explained.

According to him, the world is still dominated by the belief that it is necessary to talk with Russia, even in spite of the war.

"Diplomacy involves talking even with those who are bandits. Therefore, while there is no breakthrough at the front, everyone believes that one day we will have to sit down at the negotiating table with Russia, so this cannot be ruled out," Szczerski said.

Szczerski reiterated that Russia is currently participating in all the talks held at the United Nations.

"We are conducting negotiations, for example, on a large number of decisions on development policy issues in the world. Russia very much wants to position itself as a defender of poor countries from, for example, former colonial states. Not only is it very offensive, Russia is also not at all ashamed of what it is doing. Russian diplomats are as aggressive and offensive as their army tries to be at the front," said Poland's ambassador to the UN.

He drew attention to the fact that Russia is currently not elected to various bodies and committees within the United Nations.

"We try to block [Russia] wherever possible, and we ourselves try to conduct our successful campaigns so that we are elected in turn. We were recently elected to the Economic and Social Council, where Russia is blocked by our actions. We want to turn Russia's presence into the presence of the countries of our region," Poland's ambassador to the UN emphasised.

As reported, the United States has begun developing a proposal to reform the UN Security Council – the most influential body in the system of international law – which involves expanding its membership for better representation of the world's regions.

In September 2022, during a high-level session of the UN General Assembly, US President Joe Biden confirmed that he supported expanding the number of permanent and non-permanent members of the Security Council.

The issue has become particularly acute in view of the full-scale invasion by Russia, which has veto power and can block any decisions that would hold it accountable for violations of international law.