
Poland Must Recognise It's Waging War against Ukraine's European Future
Poland’s full-scale trade war against Ukraine is ongoing and is worsening. Week after week, Poland is killing Ukraine’s European future...
Ukraine Moves from Sprint to Long-Distance Run With Hurdles: EU Ambassador on 2024
Joining the EU, however frustrating the process may seem at times, is worth it...
Veto Plans: What to Expect from Orbán on Ukraine in 2024
Budapest is resuming and intensifying its campaign to demonise Ukraine. One of its tools is expected to be a "referendum" in Hungary.
Russian Money to Support Ukraine: What EU Plans to Do with Proceeds of Russian Assets
Ahead of the European Council meeting on 14-15 December, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba spoke about four key decisions to be made by the European Union on Ukraine.
Orbán's Defeat or Victory for Ukraine. Why Is EU Summit Historic?
The EU summit in Brussels was undoubtedly humiliating for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. He had to endure mocking comments and even advice from his counterparts to "keep his mouth shut".
Establish an International Tribunal or Court for Ukraine on the Crime of Aggression — Time Is of the Essence
There are international court aims to address and prosecute those responsible for the crime of aggression against Ukraine unchallenged by head of state immunity. The need for such a tribunal or court arises from the severity of Russia's actions against Ukraine.
"We Won't Return to Europe of 2021: This Would Be Europe of 1930s"
"...in this case, We would not return to Europe of 2021. We would, instead, fall back to a state of permanent insecurity..."
30 Years of EU's Diplomatic Presence in Ukraine: Reflection of the Past and a Look Ahead
One day Ukraine will become a member of the European Union because of the determination, reforms and choices made by the Ukrainian people.
UK Defence Secretary Applauds the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Ukrainian Armed Forces Day
Putin still believes the West, distracted by events elsewhere, will tire of his illegal war. He is wrong.
The Global Leaders and Countries Gaining and Losing Ukrainians' Trust: Change over a Year
"Joining NATO incrementally has significant support among Ukrainians if achieving a complete victory is currently impossible."
OSCE Meeting in North Macedonia Fails to Stand Up to Lavrov, Deepening Problems
Russia has demonstrated that it is prepared to destroy the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), regardless of whether other states accede to its demands.
Road to NATO without Hungary’s Veto: Ukraine's Reform Plan Agreed with Alliance
The scheme that could make it happen is a genuine diplomatic victory for Ukraine...
Limiting Hungarian Pressure on Ukraine: Two Concessions Kyiv Should Reject on Its Way to EU
A draft amendment to Ukraine’s legislation on minorities crosses important red lines for Ukraine. However, there is still time for improvement...
"The World Was Not Ready to Support Ukraine": Interview with Ukraine’s First Foreign Minister after the Maidan
Andrii Deshchytsia: "The meeting with Lavrov took place – symbolically – in The Hague. He only agreed to speak one on one... I’ve never for one moment regretted calling Putin a dickhead."
Price of Blockade: Consequences of Protest on Ukrainian-Polish Border
Polish businesses are also suffering losses from the blockade of their border with Ukraine - and these losses may be proportionate to Ukraine’s.
EU Candidate Rating: Can Ukraine Catch Up with Western Balkans? Analysing EU Commission Report-2023
Ukraine’s speed does not give us much hope that accession negotiations will be completed within two years. Currently, Ukraine and Moldova are far behind all the other countries in EU negotiations.
Deputy PM in Charge of EU: Ukraine Is an Enlargement Leader. We’ll Do the Impossible during Accession Negotiations
Ukraine's progress towards EU membership cannot be evaluated based on how other countries are progressing. It has sometimes seemed as if the bar was continually being raised for us.
Yellow Light for Ukraine: EU Commission Decision on When EU Accession Negotiations Will Begin
Ukraine thus faces a situation where it is presented with a requirement that is not based on European standards and was not part of previous requirements for acceding to the EU...