Russian Foreign Minister Sees "Nazism" in Western Support for Ukraine and Intentions to "Solve Russian Question"

, 2 February 2023, 13:54

Russian Foreign Minister sees "Nazism" in Western support for Ukraine and intentions to "solve Russian question"

Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, has accused Western countries of "Nazism" and intentions to "resolve the Russian question" by strongly supporting Ukraine.

"Why do people refuse to see the Nazi ideology that is now at the heart of the Kyiv regime? All the statements coming from its supporters and puppeteers – well, I cannot see them as anything other than an attempt to finally resolve the 'Russian question'. ‘Russia must suffer a strategic defeat and be unable to rise for a long time’," Kremlin-aligned news outlet RIA Novosti quotes Lavrov.

"Ursula von der Leyen, a well-known figure in the European Commission, said that the outcome of the war should be Russia's defeat, and such that it would not be able to recover its economy for decades to come. Is this not racism, not Nazism, not an attempt to solve the ‘Russian question’?" Lavrov added.

The Russian Foreign Minister also said that the West is trying to make Moldova a "second Ukraine".