Half of Swiss Population Supports Sending Its Arms to Ukraine

, 1 March 2023, 13:14

According to a survey by Tamedia and 20 Minuten published on Wednesday, every second Swiss is ready to allow third countries to send Swiss weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.

As Blick reports, while 50% of the Swiss accept a re-export of arms, 46% oppose it, and 4% cannot decide. The survey results show a gap between the generations: the youngest are clearly more skeptical than their elders.

Two-thirds of people over 65 would give the green light to a re-export of arms. Conversely, 58% of 18-34-year-olds and 51% of 35-49-year-olds reject such a possibility.

The Swiss are also divided on confiscating the funds of the Russian oligarchs to fund the reconstruction of Ukraine: 49% are in favour and 46% are not.

On the other hand, the survey showed strong support for neutrality. 58% of respondents believe that Switzerland is still neutral. Two-thirds (68%) believe that this concept has a future.

The survey was conducted from February 15 to 17 among 27,668 people from all over Switzerland. The margin of error is +/-1%.

In January, the Commission for the Security Police of the National Council of Switzerland approved the initiative of the Members of Parliament to allow the re-export of Swiss armament from third countries to Ukraine. However, this decision has not yet been finally approved but is at an initial stage.

Switzerland faced criticism from Germany and Spain (Ukr) for blocking Swiss ammunition to Ukraine.