Orbán Called Anticipated Counter-Offensive Ukraine's "Last Great Opportunity"

, 5 May 2023, 15:59

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has commented on the upcoming counterattack planned by the Ukrainian army.

According to Telex, Orbán reiterated his stance that in the Russian-Ukrainian war, there will only be losers, no winners, and "Russia will not sit idly by and watch itself be defeated".

Orbán noted that "difficult weeks are ahead of us," meaning Ukraine's counter-offensive

"I think this is the last great opportunity for Ukrainians to achieve some military success. If this bullet is fired, if it happens, then we will see the real balance of power between opposing forces. In such a clearer, more obvious situation there will be more opportunities for diplomatic actions for peace," Orbán said.

According to him, Hungary is most interested in peace, and its own interest lies in having a large and successful Ukraine as its neighbour.

On May 3, the Hungarian parliament voted to extend the state of emergency because of the war in Ukraine until November 25.

The Hungarian government declared a state of emergency in May 2022 due to the war in Ukraine. It has been extended several times since then, most recently in November of last year.