Zelenskyy on Crimea: Keys Cannot Be Left in Hands of Terrorists

, 23 August 2023, 15:43

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy underlines that the Crimean Peninsula plays a crucial strategic role, which is one of the reasons why Ukraine cannot accept its occupation.

The President reminded that in 2022, due to Ukraine regaining control over the northwestern part of the Black Sea and launching the Black Sea Grain Initiative, food prices on the global market decreased.

"The Black Sea is the key to global food and, therefore, social stability. Crimea is the key to security in the Black Sea. The keys cannot be left in the hands of terrorists. We won't leave them. Ukraine has a clear vision of how normal, peaceful, fair, and democratic life will be restored in Crimea after we dismantle the Russian tyranny on our Ukrainian peninsula," Zelenskyy stated at the opening of the Crimea Platform summit.

He also responded to arguments that Crimea supposedly represents a "red line" for Moscow, crossing which could trigger radical actions by the Kremlin.

"When Russia withdraws from the occupied territories, it simply turns a blind eye to it, to its weakness. Russian society can also turn a blind eye to the departure of occupiers from Crimea," noted Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The Ukrainian Foreign Minister announced that the number of participants in the Crimea Platform has increased again this year, with new states and organisations joining, including Serbia and the United Arab Emirates.

Among the top guests who personally came to Ukraine are Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda, Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, and Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo.