Poland's Prime Minister Urgently Met with President of Lithuania Due to Provocations from Belarus

, 3 August 2023, 12:03

On Thursday, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki held an urgent meeting with Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda to discuss possible provocations from Belarus.

The Lithuanian President tweeted about the meeting with Morawiecki, describing it as productive. It took place near the Suwałki Gap – a region, which connects the country with the Baltic States and also separates the territory of Russian Kaliningrad Oblast and Belarus.

They discussed the security situation on the borders of Poland and Lithuania.

"Presence of Wagner mercenaries in Belarus is an additional security risk factor for Lithuania and Poland and NATO allies. We stay vigilant and prepared for any possible scenario," emphasised Nausėda.

Morawiecki stated in a video address the day before that "cooperation between Poland and Lithuania is crucial in the face of threats and provocations," as reported by RMF 24.

He stressed that Poland is under constant threat of provocations and hybrid attacks from Belarusian and Russian intelligence services.

"Escalating tension on NATO's eastern flank, mercenaries from the Wagner group were brought into Belarus. There will be more provocations, aimed at creating confusion in Poland and other NATO countries, especially in our region. Therefore, tomorrow, I will hold an urgent meeting with Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda at the Suwałki gap," said Morawiecki.

Recently, the Polish Prime Minister officially announced the relocation of 100 "Wagner mercenaries" to the so-called Suwałki Gap.

In late July, self-proclaimed Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko claimed that he had become concerned about the Wagner mercenaries, hinting at their alleged intention to attack Poland.

Later, Lukashenko admitted that he had lied about the mercenaries' desire to infiltrate Poland.