US Secretary of Defence Assures Zelenskyy of Further Uninterrupted Weapons Supplies

, 11 October 2023, 13:06

The United States will continue to provide Ukraine with the necessary armaments without interruption. Lloyd Austin, the United States Secretary of Defence, stated this at a meeting with Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Brussels on 11 October, as reported by the Office of the President of Ukraine.

As the Office of the President of Ukraine stated, President Zelenskyy thanked the US for the new military aid package and informed Austin about the urgent needs of the Ukrainian army.

"For his part, Lloyd Austin assured [Zelenskyy] of continued steady and uninterrupted supply of all necessary weapons to Ukraine. He emphasised that the United States has the necessary resources and capabilities and remains focused on supporting Ukraine," the Office of the President of Ukraine said.

Lloyd Austin, US Secretary of Defence, at the opening of the 16th meeting of the Contact Group on defence of Ukraine, announced a new package of military assistance to Ukraine for US$200 million.

Against the backdrop of the US Congress disapproving the continuation of support for Ukraine, it has been reported that this assistance package will be financed from funds the Pentagon saved due to an accounting error

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is visiting Brussels on 11 October, where, among other things, he will take part in the meeting of the Contact Group on defence of Ukraine.

Read more: Crisis That Must Be Averted: How Europe Is Preparing for Possible Cut in US Military Aid