How Orbán "burned bridges" in Hungary's relations with US government

, 12 March 2024, 08:46

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has finished his visit to the United States, where he held a meeting with Donald Trump. The visit was marked with lots of violations of diplomatic rules and traditions.

The top news for Ukrainians was Orbán's statements about the so-called "Trump plan" regarding Ukraine, which in the Hungarian Prime Minister's interpretation resembled a plan for Ukraine's defeat.

Read more about Orbán's US trip in the article by Sergiy Sydorenko, European Pravda's editor – Family values of Trump and Orbán. All about "plan for Ukraine" and US visit of Hungary's leader.

Viktor Orbán's working visit to the US capital came as a surprise. The Hungarian Prime Minister arrived in Washington on 7 March at the head of a government delegation, along with his Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, although no official events involving him were known.

Orbán spent in the American capital two days but it was not reported on his meetings with government representatives. And even Szijjártó did not have an official programme in the US, except for delivering letters of ratification of Sweden's accession to NATO to the State Department. But that could have been performed by a regular worker of the Hungarian embassy.

And soon it became known that Hungarian officials deliberately avoided contacts both with the US government and even with representatives of the pro-presidential Democratic Party.

Moreover, this Orbán's trip was deliberately presented as a slap in the face to the Biden administration.

The purpose of Orbán's visit to Washington was meetings with Republican officials, primarily pro-Trump politicians and experts. For this purpose, a discussion on Hungarian-American relations was organised on Friday at the conservative Heritage Foundation. Orbán held separate talks with pro-Trump media manager Steve Bannon.

And on Saturday, Orbán held the main event – a meeting with Trump at his personal residence in the Mar-a-Lago club complex in Florida.

The visit was indeed very unconventional from a political perspective.

The fact that the Hungarian Prime Minister's trip to the US, dedicated to bilateral relations, did not include any meetings with government representatives itself was a blatant violation of international traditions and rules.

And the fact that Orbán's trip fell on one of the peaks of the election campaign in the US (currently, as is known, the primaries are nearing their end) makes the actions of the Hungarian guest especially inappropriate.

Throughout the visit and afterwards, the Hungarian Prime Minister used every opportunity to declare that he definitively put an end to the possible cooperation with the current government in Washington and expects serious problems if Biden is re-elected. So the only acceptable option for Orbán is Trump's victory in the elections.

In addition, the Hungarian Prime Minister accused the Biden administration of trying to overthrow him, Orbán.

The Hungarian leader risks little by relying exclusively on Trump. After all, for traditional American politicians, Orbán's authoritarian, undemocratic Hungary, which still cooperates with Putin and is friends with China, has long become a pariah state. And personal, "family" friendship with Trump is perhaps the only way for him to overcome this image.

So what about Ukraine? In an interview with the Hungarian television channel M1, the Hungarian Prime Minister mentioned the Trump "peace plan," as well as the fact that he supposedly "promised not to give a penny to Ukraine in case of his election."

The Hungarian leader stated that he was "not authorised" to talk about Trump's plans. Most likely, there is simply no well-thought-out Trump strategy for "achieving peace."

The point is that the thesis "no penny to Ukraine" was voiced in a completely different context and another segment of the interview. Orbán told the journalist not about the "Trump plan" but about his thoughts on the possible course of events.