US Senator: Possibility of Sending ATACMS Missiles to Ukraine Quite High

, 28 June 2023, 11:30

Republican Senator Jim Risch from Idaho believes that there is a fairly high probability that Ukraine will receive long-range ATACMS missiles.

"I think the possibility is quite high. I've said from the very beginning to give Ukraine everything that shoots, as long as it's not nuclear. Any other weapons that we have should be made available to the Ukrainians, whether it's F-16 fighters or ATACMS missiles. Everything we have," Risch stated in an interview with Voice of America.

He added that American lawmakers continue to pressure the Biden administration. According to the lawmaker, "they are already stepping up."

"So, ATACMS is a good weapon, Ukraine should receive it. It should happen as quickly as possible," Risch concluded.

Earlier, the US House Foreign Affairs Committee passed a bipartisan resolution, H.Res. 488, urging the Biden administration to immediately provide Ukraine with ATACMS missiles.

According to media reports, the Biden administration explains its reluctance to transfer the longer-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine by the concern that it may leave the US military with too few reserves.

Also, watch the interview with Senator Jim Risch by "European Pravda".