White House Confirms: US Will Support Sending F-16s to Ukraine After Training

, 18 August 2023, 16:14

On Friday, Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor to the President of the United States, has confirmed Washington's approval for the Netherlands and Denmark to deliver F-16s to Ukraine after Ukrainian pilots complete their training.

President Biden's advisor confirmed that Antony Blinken, Secretary of State, sent a letter to his Dutch and Danish counterparts earlier this week. It has "formalised" the readiness to "approve F-16s to Ukraine after training in consultation with Congress."

"That is a natural extension of what President Biden announced in Hiroshima," underlined Sullivan, recalling that the American leader announced the training of Ukrainians on F-16s at the G7 Summit in Japan.

He also noted that Washington had not previously abandoned its intentions to send fighter jets to Kyiv.

"We underlined, underscored and put an exclamation point on that this week" Sullivan added.

In mid-July, 11 partner countries along with Ukraine signed a memorandum that outlines the terms of training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets.

Training is set to begin in August, but according to media reports, the US has not yet approved the final training plan, as European countries have not agreed on all its details.