Bundestag Says Scholz Is Blocking Delivery of Taurus to Ukraine

, 4 September 2023, 09:52

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, the head of the Bundestag's defence committee, has said that Chancellor Olaf Scholz is the only one in the coalition who is blocking the supply of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine.

"‘At the moment’, he does not want to supply Taurus. ‘At the moment’, however, people are still dying in Ukraine. What in God’s name is Chancellor Scholz waiting for? He is the only one blocking this decision within the coalition. This is irresponsible," Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann wrote on Twitter.

The German government has not yet decided whether it will supply Taurus to Ukraine. At the same time, Ukraine is confident that this decision will not be made "for a whole year".

Friedrich Merz, the head of the German Christian Democratic Union party, suggests that a joint European decision on Taurus should be made.