100% Of Our Society Supports Ukraine, Even Drunk Drivers — Latvia's Prime Minister

Monday, 20 March 2023

Latvians support Ukraine not only rationally but through absolute conviction and emotions because in the past Russia did the same to them as it is doing to Ukrainians now.

Latvian Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš said in an interview with "European Pravda" that Latvian weapons helped to defend Ukraine from the first day of the Russian invasion.

"Apart from that, our civil society, ordinary people through all kinds of organisations are helping and supporting you in every way imaginable. They send buses, cars, medical aid, sending humanitarian aid, and just cash to help Ukrainian society in the way that comes to mind," Kariņš said.

As an example, he also mentioned the law according to which the government seizes cars of drunk drivers and sends them to Ukraine.

"We had a problem: what to do with the cars that are accumulating? Then my finance minister says: "Why don't we donate them to the Ukrainian army?" Then we got in touch. It turns out. That there is an interest. We're sending not just any car, the best cars, the ones that you really want to need," Kariņš explained.

"So I jokingly say that our society is 100% supporting Ukraine. Even the people who drink and drive are supporting Ukraine," he added.

According to Kariņš, the broad support of Latvians for Ukraine has its explanation in the history of Latvia.

"During the Second World War, especially at the end, the Russians did in Latvia what they do in Ukraine, what they did in Bucha. Mass executions, deportations, fake trials, rapes, looting, and theft. All this happened to us. People still remember it. It is in the family memory. Now we see they are doing it to you," he said.

"Latvians support you not only rationally but through absolute conviction and emotions. In this matter, we as a nation are quite unique," added the Prime Minister of Latvia.

That is why, according to him, the government's decision to back Ukraine is supported by the entire Latvian society.

As reported, Krišjānis Kariņš believes joining NATO should happen after Kyiv's victory in the war but Latvia supports the start of Ukraine's EU accession negotiations already in 2023.

Watch the full interview with the Prime Minister of Latvia on EuroPravda's YouTube channel (Ukr).

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