Over 100 Ukrainian MPs Ask Foreign Minister to Report on Progress of Russia's Expulsion from UN

Thursday, 9 February 2023

101 MPs of the Verkhovna Rada [Ukrainian Parliament, - EP] have called on the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, to report on the progress of Russia's expulsion from the United Nations.

This is stated in a document signed by MPs, a copy of which is available for "European Pravda."

Representatives of various parliamentary groups have signed the document - from "Sluha Narodu" to "Eurosolidarity." Several MPs have confirmed their appeal to EuroPravda. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has yet to respond to it.

The MPs call on Kuleba to inform them what measures have been applied and what steps are being taken to expel Russia from the UN. Among other things, they want to know whether there is even a plan of measures aimed at expelling the Russian Federation from the UN, whether it is being developed, and who is responsible for its development.

On December 1, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada passed the statement on recognition of the Russian regime as a terrorist, the illegitimacy of the Russian Federation's presence in the UN, and the responsibility of members of Russian political parties that support aggression (Resolution No. 2787-XI).

The MPs note that with this statement, the Verkhovna Rada stated the illegitimacy of the Russian Federation's presence in the UN and called for immediate measures to expel the Russian Federation from enjoying the rights and obligations of the USSR's membership in the UN.

In addition, they recalled that on December 26, 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine also stated the illegitimacy of the Russian Federation's presence in the UN Security Council. Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, as the MPs remind, said that expelling the Russian Federation from the UN is the task of every ambassador of Ukraine overseas.

In December, Ukraine called on the member states of the UN to resume the application of the UN Charter in the context of the legitimacy of the Russian Federation's presence in the UN, to deprive the Russian Federation of its status as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and to expel it from the UN as a whole.

At the same time, according to the Vice-Chancellor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Märt Volmer, most states do not share Ukraine's approach to the issue of Russia's membership in the UN Security Council, so the question of its expulsion from this body does not look promising.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Łukasz Jasina, believes that Ukraine's request to exclude Russia from the United Nations is legitimate since international law allows countries to be excluded from the UN.

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