Hungarian foreign minister says he will participate in Peace Summit while on a visit to Russia

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, who is currently attending an economic forum in St Petersburg, Russia, has announced that Hungary will participate in the Peace Summit that is to be held in Switzerland.

According to Telex, Szijjártó said that Hungary will be represented at the event at the level of foreign ministers, meaning that he will participate.

At the same time, he again expressed disappointment that Russia has not been invited to the summit.

"We believe that if everyone were at the negotiating table, real results could be expected. This is not the case this time, but as we respect the peace efforts of the Swiss, we will participate at a foreign ministerial level," he said.


Szijjártó also noted that the reason for his participation was that Hungary stands for peace and would participate in all events where peace is on the agenda.

Earlier, Szijjártó said that Hungary had not decided whether it would participate in the Peace Summit, as it sees no point in it without Russian participation.

Read more - Swiss Peace Summit may only harm Ukraine as everything going differently than planned.

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