Finland and Sweden Cut a Path for Ukraine's Accession to NATO

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Europe's security map is changing radically.

Finland and Sweden have announced their intention to join NATO. Despite Turkey's objections, the Alliance remains optimistic about its accession.

Russia has to admit that it can do nothing about NATO enlargement. Ukraine has received the signals that rapid accession to the Alliance - contrary to previous statements - is also possible for it.

The fact that Sweden and Finland are now getting ready to join NATO for real has been a real revolution in security policy. So far these states have categorically excluded such a possibility.

The reason for this dramatic reversal is obvious. You can hear it in both Helsinki and Stockholm: "Russia itself pushed Finland and Sweden into NATO."

Starting the war "to prevent NATO enlargement", Putin forced the Alliance to expand.

There are at least three areas in which Russia will lose out to NATO enlargement.

The first is the complete operational loss of the Baltic Sea.

The second is strengthening Norway's defense.

And the third, which means psychologically more than ever. The joint border between Russia and NATO will increase by more than 1,200 kilometers. For comparison, the Ukrainian-Russian land border is less than 2,000 km.

However, it is even more important for Ukraine that NATO's Scandinavian enlargement opens a window of opportunity for the country, which has declared its constitutional goal to join the Alliance.

Finland's accession to NATO destroys arguments that the Alliance allegedly cannot accept Ukraine to avoid rapprochement with its global opponent.

The actual change in the procedure for joining NATO is even more crucial. Although Finland and Sweden are neutral, they have been working together with the Alliance for decades, and their armies have been operating by NATO standards for a long time. EuroPravda has repeatedly explained in recent years that if Swedes and Finns want to join the Alliance, it will happen "immediately," without lengthy procedures. However, it sounded like a purely theoretical possibility, it is going to be implemented in practice now. The Alliance has already confirmed this.

Should Sweden and Finland move closer to NATO in peacetime, they would also receive a Membership Action Plan, albeit a short, purely formal one. Right now, it does not matter that much anymore.

However, when the requirement is abolished, it is for everyone. Ukraine will hypothetically also be able to join NATO without implementing the Membership Action Plan.

You can find out more on this matter if you watch a video of "Euro Pravda" on the impact of NATO enlargement on Ukraine or read the article by EuroPravda editor Serhii Sydorenko 'NATO's doors are opening: what changes Finland's and Sweden's accession to the Alliance for Ukraine.'

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