Transit to EU

Report from the border: how Polish authorities and protesters are blocking trade with Ukraine
European Pravda went to the border between Ukraine and Poland to see for ourselves how small groups of protesters are holding the economies of both countries hostage.
Bringing order to the border: why Ukraine and Poland need help from Frontex
The EU does not see the situation at the Ukrainian-Polish border as a border management problem. It’s time that changed.
Polska prowadzi "wojnę" przeciwko europejskiej przyszłości Ukrainy. Warszawa musi zdać sobie z tego sprawę
Podczas pełnienia funkcji szefa Rady Europejskiej Donald Tusk latał z wojskowymi na wschodnią Ukrainę i promował przystąpienie Ukrainy do UE. Ale teraz jego bezczynność jako polskiego premiera podważa przyszłość Ukrainy.
Price of Blockade: Consequences of Protest on Ukrainian-Polish Border
Polish businesses are also suffering losses from the blockade of their border with Ukraine - and these losses may be proportionate to Ukraine’s.
New Conflict Between Ukraine and Poland: Why Polish Truck Drivers Ready to Block Border
A new conflict is brewing between Ukraine and Poland. This time it is about freight transport. Is there any chance to resolve this dispute through compromise?