Ukrainian Ambassador to the UK Commented on Lawsuit against Russia Regarding "USSR Heritage"

Monday, 1 August 2022

Ukrainian Ambassador to the UK Vadym Prystaiko said that Ukraine hopes to return "at least a third" of the USSR property abroad, including the UK. It was transferred to the Russian Federation without any compensation after the collapse of the USSR.

Vadym Prystaiko, in an interview with Suspilne, noted that Ukraine wants back the diplomatic property of the former Soviet Union. Russia then offered the rest of the republics to take over the debt, but it took all the USSR's property abroad. According to Prystaiko, Ukraine initially agreed to this, but the parliament has never given its consent. Ukraine, one of the republics that made the largest contribution to all the Soviet property, demanded to show the property. Russia did not provide any explanations - location and estimated value.

Ukraine was the only former USSR state that, back in 1999, contested Russia's ownership of former Soviet property in the UK. The then ambassador, Volodymyr Vasylenko, appealed to the British government to recognize Ukraine's "beneficial interest" in real estate.

"We demand from Russia to return at least a third of the property overseas," the ambassador said.

According to him, the Ukrainian side is examining the legal aspects of the matter with the help of legal companies.

"We have collected all the information about these buildings, their current value, status, why the rights passed from the Soviet Union to Russia, what legal tools can be used to restore justice... If we see it has a judicial perspective, we will file the lawsuit from the Ukrainian state," Vadym Prystaiko noted.

In early July, The Times reported that Ukraine aimed at returning ownership of 18 buildings that Moscow had inherited from the Soviet Union.

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